Policies City of Albia Ordinances Chapter 115 Our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 (Adopted February 14th, 2023) Collections Development Policy (Adopted October 11th, 2022) Video Surveillance Policy (Adopted September 13th, 2022) Patron Conduct Policy (Adopted June 14th, 2022) Computer and Internet Policy (Adopted June 14th, 2022) Circulation Policy (Adopted May 5th, 2022) By-Laws of the Board of Trustees (Adopted March 8th, 2022) Library Volunteer Policy (Adopted February 8th, 2022) Personnel Policy (Adopted January 14th, 2025) Customer Service Policy (Adopted February 8th, 2022) Public Meeting Space Use Policy (Adopted May 9th, 2023) Public Display and Distribution Policy (Adopted January 23, 2024)